Branded Videos

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We’ve built a library of videos that cover a wide variety of topics and we’re producing new videos each and every month. You’re able to select which videos you’d like branded to your firm and posted to your website.

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Sample of our videos

Click below to watch any of our videos.

Valuing Your Business

Valuing Your Business

A business valuation helps to determine the fair market value of a company and may be needed for a variety of reasons such as buying or selling a business, transferring equity, developing an estate plan or purchasing insurance. In this video, we'll cover why you might need a valuation and the common methodologies used to determine value.
Tax Implications of the Infrastructure Act

Tax Implications of the Infrastructure Act

On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law. In this video, we will cover three tax-related provisions that may affect you and your business.
SBA Enhances the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program

SBA Enhances the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program

The SBA has modified and enhanced the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program to expand both eligibility and program benefits. In this video, we’ll quickly cover the changes and how they might help you and your business.
House Ways and Means Committee Proposed Tax Changes

House Ways and Means Committee Proposed Tax Changes

The House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee recently released draft legislation that would increase taxes to help pay for the proposed $3.5 trillion spending package. In this video, we briefly cover some of the more important proposed tax changes.
Tax Benefits of Opportunity Zone Funds

Tax Benefits of Opportunity Zone Funds

The proposed plan to increase long-term capital gains tax rates has motivated investors to seek opportunities to defer and reduce capital gains taxes. Opportunity Zone Funds have been increasing in popularity because of their ability to defer and reduce capital gains. Watch now to learn more about Opportunity Zone Funds.
Preventing and Addressing Fraud in Your Business

Preventing and Addressing Fraud in Your Business

Fraud is a significant problem across businesses of all sizes. Here's a great video on steps you can take to prevent and address fraud in your company.
10 Recruiting Strategies for a Tight Labor Market (Part 2)

10 Recruiting Strategies for a Tight Labor Market (Part 2)

Recruiting is one of the most important functions of any company, especially in a tight labor market. In this second of a two-part series, we will cover 5 more tips and strategies to help improve your success in attracting and hiring qualified candidates for your company.
10 Recruiting Strategies for a Tight Labor Market (Part 1)

10 Recruiting Strategies for a Tight Labor Market (Part 1)

Recruiting is one of the most important functions of any company, especially in a tight labor market. In this video, we will cover 5 tips and strategies to help improve your success in attracting and hiring qualified candidates for your company.
Advance Child Tax Credit Payments

Advance Child Tax Credit Payments

The American Rescue Plan expanded the Child Tax Credit and provided a mechanism for families to receive advance payments for the credit. In this video, we will provide an overview of the Child Tax Credit and the advance payments that will begin this summer.
The Qualified Business Income Tax Deduction

The Qualified Business Income Tax Deduction

The Qualified Business Income (QBI) Deduction can reduce an individual's tax liability on pass-through income by as much as 20% of taxable business income from the entity. Here's a great 3-minute video to find out more.
Budget Reconciliation – A Potential Path for President Bidens Plans

Budget Reconciliation – A Potential Path for President Bidens Plans

President Biden has proposed the American Jobs Plan and the American Families Plan, but a closely divided senate makes it challenging to turn these bills into law. In this video, we’ll discuss the budget reconciliation process as a possible path.
The American Families Plan

The American Families Plan

On April 28, 2021, President Biden introduced the American Families Plan, a $1.8 trillion spending plan that includes tax increases on high-income taxpayers to help offset its costs. In this video, we will quickly cover potential changes to the tax law that, if enacted, may affect you and your family.

Select, edit and publish branded thought-leadership articles to your website

Each month, Marketing by Numbers produces 6 new articles that you can publish to your site. Best of all, you’re able to edit any of the articles; add or remove content, add a quote from a partner, mention services you provide, or whatever your heart desires. Our articles are professionally written and cover a wide variety of topics including recent legislation and changes in tax law.

See sample articles →

Article & Video FAQs

How does exclusivity work for videos?

You will be the only firm in your area able to use a specific track of videos. Each track of videos is unique based on the topics, scripts, actors, and post-production designs. Your exclusive area is generally a 5 to 15-mile radius from your office, depending on the population density of your geographic area.

Can we attribute the articles to our firm or an individual within the firm?

Absolutely, you can list your firm as the author or an individual expert.

Do you create custom content?

We do not create custom content, but we love getting topic recommendations.  If you are looking to create custom content be sure to check out our AI Writing Assistant.

Will “Marketing by Numbers” show up anywhere in the video or article page?

No way.  You’re always listed as the author and expert.

Don't just take our word for it...

We are crazy busy and Marketing by Numbers enables us to send really impressive videos to our clients with limited work on our part.
Steve Dolins

Managing Partner and Co-Founder, The Dolins Group, Ltd.